I prescribed myself a little quilt therapy this week... it's been productive! This is the kind of self-medicating I should practice more often!

I'm meant to wear a name tag at my guild meetings, but I've always baulked at the prospect. Then I came across this little gem on Pinterest,
a tiny paper pieced sewing machine. It was fiddly, but worth it! Then took a couple tips from a
lanyard tutorial (also a Pinterest find). I cannibalized a lanyard I already had and... voilà!
Lovin' the orange and grey lately! I'm a little behind on the
Pantone of the Year (2012) but maybe I'll be more with it
this year!
There's also a new addition on the way for the family of my pal, SuperKate. So I decided that the best looking of the orphan baby quilts had her name on it (even though the new addition doesn't have a name yet!) Though still done on the diagonal, I quilted this one differently from the two large quilts made for Miss E and Miss O. The diagonals touched the small rectangles in the white blocks on each corner. It ended up forming diamonds with the stitching.
And then, one of my co-workers made a comment whilst knitting that she was missing her knitting bag (which was too large to bring for travel projects). So I whipped up a little basket/bucket from this
tutorial... though I added an over the top handle instead of side handles.
I also got some time in on an item from the Gotta do list. I finished the appliqué sections of my Maui purchased sashiko fish. I'm not an appliqué person, much less hand appliqué, but Himself really liked this one when we saw it at
the Maui Quilt Shop. I've started on the sashiko stitching and it's really coming along nicely. I'm enjoying it so much that I'm thinking of finding more of these projects. Not an easy task in our local quilt shops. Oh well, I might have to go back to Maui!
And to top the week off.... my first Kona fat quarter bundle arrived!!! Yes, three exclamation points are warranted here. It's exciting to get fabric in the mail. If you've never experienced it, but it on your bucket list for this year. Anyway... here they are!
From darkest to lightest: Pacific, Water, Alegria, Lake.
I can't hardly wait for next months batch!
Thanks for reading!