Sometimes you surprise even yourself. When I set
this goal at the beginning of November, I thought it was a long shot... at best. (I happened to be #63 on the Goal Setting Party).

But lo and behold, I actually did finish Jumbo Jaw Breaker... and in time to gift it to my dear friend and
quilt holder, Ms. K.V, for her birthday tomorrow.
I was heading to one of my fav surf beaches, Lawerencetown, but the kite surfers were in the air at pre-beach! I always think it would be so cool to cover that hill in the distance with quilts. We'd just need a few. ☺

In the absence of a quilt holder, one must improvise. Cobble beaches offer so many possibilities for quilt weights. There are so many special fabrics in this quilt... many of them were also used for DT's
Plus Two Quilts.

For the quilting, I did an assymetrical hexagon pattern, echoing out from one of the hexies on the quilt top. Those echoes covered the entire quilt, reaching right out to the edges.

Then I chose two more hexies and did some echoes off of them. The echoes overlap like ripples in a pond when you throw more than one pebble. This pic also shows off my pieced back.

I even remembered to put on one of quilt labels before I quilted and bound it. My stock of these is dwindling... time for a new order!
I love the way the backing fabrics work with the top. And I love that they were in my stash! Some were hard to part with, but it one is going to buy fabric, they should be prepared to use it!

So many glamour shots of this quilt. Once it was done with the cobbles, it really wanted to play on the dune grass. Who was I to say no?
The Deets
Title: Jumbo Jaw Breaker (Jaw Breaker from Jaybird Quilts)
Size: 51 by 51 inches (it's not big, but it's small!)
Fabric Used: A big ole pile of teals from my stash with pops of acid green
Konas Used: None... it's shocking!
Quilting: Assymetrical echo ghost hexies in white and two shades of teal
Binding: Dottie's Cousin in Lime (Cotton & Steel), hand stitched with Gutterman 20 (White)
Backing: Pieced from my stash
Favourite Part(s): Being able to met what I thought was an impossible deadline and buying only batting to complete this quilt
So happiest of birthdays to you, Ms K.V., with much love from me, Himself, BT, and especially your favourite twin, GT. Your support in the past year means so much to all of us. From Friday BPM nights to early Sunday morning circus school, you've earned the title of Auntie!
And of course, I'm going all link-up crazy. I'm linking up with
TGIFF @ Quilting Among the Groves,
Finish up Friday @ Crazy Mom Quilts, and
ALYOF November Finishes Party @ Fibre of All Sorts. If you've got an hour (or two), head on over to all those link ups and check out the productivity and creativity on display!